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Bluewater APA
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Meet Your APA League Operator:
Jim Rowe
A Florida transplant from San Diego, CA, Jim’s first encounter with the APA was while he lived in Southern California. Jim has long dreamed of running his own business, knowing one day it would be doing something he loves. When the opportunity presented itself in 2011, Jim jumped at the chance of becoming an APA League Operator, purchasing an underdeveloped area that spanns 2 counties in Northwest Florida.
Jim is very personable and continuously stays in touch with all his players. Jim is a believer in the “Open Door” policy, and readily encourages any player to contact him for whatever need or concern they have.
About Your League Area:
The APA is the world’s largest amateur pool league with over 250,000 members competing in 8-Ball and 9-Ball throughout North America.
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Bluewater APA is one of the newest members of this elite pool community in the Southeastern United States. Being part of an organization that gives its players so many benefits, playing formats, and of course, the infamous Equalizer® Handicap System, is nothing short of a guaranteed good time playing pool.
Six years ago Bluewater APA started out with only 19 teams; 1 8-ball division and 1 9-ball division. With over 100 teams today, this league area continues to grow, and now has 7 8-Ball divisions and 6 9-Ball divisions, consisting of Scotch Doubles, Ladies Only and Open 8-Ball and 9-Ball formats. In addition to team league play, Bluewater APA also offers opportunities to compete on an individual basis in several local, regional and National tournaments throughout the year. In fact, BluewaterAPA boasts to have two back to back National Champions playing right here in Fort Walton Beach.
Sponsored by the national office of the American Poolplayers Association, several different tournaments are offered every year for all players of all skill levels. These tournaments allow our local members to represent our league community while competing at the national tournaments. Because these national tournaments are held in Las Vegas, NV every year, travel assistance is offered for many of these tournaments through the local league and through the national APA office.
Bluewater APA welcomes you to be part of a fun, exciting, and competitive poolplayer community.